
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Bolu Peuyeum / Cake Tape Singkong

Apa kabar semua? Woooo gak kerasa ya saya benar-benar 'cuti' nge-blog selama setahun. Postingan saya yang terakhir itu bulan April 2013 dan sekarang sudah bertemu April lagi, 2014.  Gak tau kenapa tiba-tiba mood untuk mengisi blog ini muncul lagi.  Aktivitas 'mengacak-acak dapur' masih saya jalani.  Narsis dengan hasil karya juga masih tinggi tapi belakangan saya cuma mengandalkan facebook untuk memamerkan kue-kue saya.  Dan lagi saya bergabung dengan beberapa group yang berhubungan dengan makanan dan masak memasak, seperti NCC, Langsungenak, BKR, dll.  Seru juga ngumpul disana, bareng penyuka masak lain.  Bisa berbagi resep dan tips. 

Kabar saya alhamdulillah semakin baik.  Lagi ngisi lagi ni... Saffa bentar lagi punya adek bayi insya Allah.  Sekarang udah jalan 6 bulan,  Kehamilan kedua lebih banyak keluhan, mual, pusinh, pegal-pegal, mudah cape.  Bahkan pernah kehilangan mood baking, sama sekali hilang, itu di trimester awal.  Boro-boro deh pengen eksekusi  resep, makan kue pun hilang mood.  Bersyukur sih, bisa memangkas budget dapur.  Tau sendiri kan kalo hobinya baking, pengeluaran ekstra buat menyalurkan hobi juga gak sedikit.  Nah, masuk usia kehamilan 5 bulan, gairah baking dateng lagi.  Resep ampe antri deh pengen dicoba semua. hehe..  Salah satunya kue ini nih, bolu peuyeum.  Yang ini mah kue ngidam,hihi..  Kebayang-bayang terus sampe seminggu lebih...Beli peuyeum dengan perjuangan.  Masuk ke pasar sempit, nyari-nyari yang jualan tape.  Alhamdulillah nemu.  Tapi sempet dibikin bete juga ma penjual tapenya.  Harga mahal, kita gak boleh pilih tapenya, plus timbangan yang kurang sampe lebih dari 200gram.  Tapi demi bolu peuyeum yang terus membayang, haha, proses niaga yang tidak memuaskan saya ignore sajah.  Nyampe rumah langsung eksekusi.  Daaaann ini dia hasilnya...  kuenya uenak, lembut, manisnya pas.  Terbayar sudah hutang saya sama debay di perut.  Alhamdulillah, puas dan nikmat.

asli enaaaakk...

Resepnya saya ngikut dari blognya mbak Ricke bunda Nadhifa.  Ah,cocok sekali dengan resep ini.  Resep asli untuk taburan pake keju ya.  Saya pake sukade karena suami kurang suka keju.

Karena saya suka tekstur kue yang padat tapi lembut, saya sengaja menyimpan kue untuk dimakan esok harinya.  jadi ya, si kue ini kan mirip butter cake.  makin lama disimpan, makin enak rasanya makin padet teksturnya.  Banyak yang suka bolu hangat, saya sukanya bolu dingin :D.  Hal serupa saya perlakukan juga lho buat brownies yang biasanya makin lama disimpan makin padet, chewy, dan mulai oily teksturnya.

Gak nyesel bikin kue ini.  Lain kali bikin ah buat mertua yang doyan banget sama tape singkong.  Mudah-mudahan suka juga ya. 
Buat teman-teman yang pengen juga tapi lagi males bikin, boleh juga lho order saya,hehehe... untuk daerah sekitar bandung aja yaaa.. ;)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Hi again all.. I'm here again to post my new cake.  I left baking for about two months since my cholesterol rise and I was worried so much.  An uncontrollable worry that I hate to see my oven for some time.  For the sake of my little girl who begged me for a chocolate cake then I made this, a chocolate muffin. I choose muffin because it's the simplest cake to make.  I was so lucky to find this blog for it has a perfect chocolate muffin recipe. I copied the recipe here:

they had a deep chocolate flavor

Yields: 12 muffins
2/3 cup Dutch-process cocoa, I used Van Houten 
1 3/4 cups All-Purpose Flour
1 1/4 cups light brown sugar, I used white sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon espresso powder, optional
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup chocolate chips
2 eggs
1 cup (8 ounces) milk
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 teaspoons vinegar, i left off this
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, melted
coarse pearl sugar, for topping (optional) (I omitted this)

Preheat the oven to 400°F.  Line a standard muffin pan with paper or silicone muffin cups, and grease the cups.
In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the cocoa, flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, espresso powder, salt, and chocolate chips. (I put the chocolate chips in last after the rest of the batter was finished). Set aside.
In a large measuring cup or medium-sized mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, vanilla and vinegar. Add the wet ingredients, along with the melted butter, to the dry ingredients, stirring to blend; there’s no need to beat these muffins, just make sure everything is well-combined. (I still had some little bumps in mine. I then stirred in the chocolate chips).
Scoop the batter into the prepared muffin tin; the cups will be heaped with batter, and the muffin will bake into a “mushroom” shape. Sprinkle with pearl sugar, if desired. (I left out the pearl sugar)
Bake the muffins for 20 to 25 minutes, or until a cake tester inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean. Remove the muffins from the oven, and after 5 minutes remove them from the pan, allowing them to cool for about 15 minutes on a rack before peeling off the muffin papers or silicone cups.

I've made them twice, and they turned out perfect. Good luck all!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

OATMEAL MUFFIN - Quick, Easy, Healthy, Moist

I still had a cup of oatmeal in jar when I thought of baking something.  Oatmeal muffin would be the best thing to make , of course. It’s perfect for breakfast and way to school in the morning since it is healthy and nutricious and delicious :).  It’s always easy and simple one, as usual.

1 cup oatmeal
1 cup boiling water
Mix and let stand for 20 minutes

1 ½ cup brown sugar or less (I only used ¾ cup white sugar)
½ cup butter or margarine
2 eggs well beaten
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup raisin

Cream sugar and butter
Add eggs and beat, add vanilla extract
Add dry ingredients (including raisin)
Stir in oatmeal mixture gently
Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups until cups are 2/3 full
Bake in preheated oven for about 20 minutes or until the surface of muffins become brown

Recipe was adapted from: this blog

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


It's again a rainbow cake edition.  Only it's the simpler one to make.
Let get started!

Here's the recipe:
4 eggs
150 grams granulated sugar
140 grams all purpose flour
140 grams vegetable oil
food colorings (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)

1. Mix the eggs and the sugar until smooth and fluppy.
2. Add flour, mix the batter
3. Add vegetable oil, stir well.
4. Divide the batter into 6 equal portions, each in a separate bowl.
5. Add four drops of food coloring into each bowl of mixture. Mix them well.
6. Steam the batter, layer by layer. I poured purple batter in the first layer, wait for about three minutes then pour the next color.  Do the same for the rest.
7. After all done, remove the cake from the pan. You may cover it with icing, I didn't!

That's all. So this is it my very simple rainbow cake.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Yesterday, Saffa-my little girl asked me to bake a chocolate brownie but my hub said "No!".  He worried so much about our blood sugar because we eat cakes almost every day :D.  Well actually we've decided to concern more about our health.  Honestly I really couldn't bear myself as well to eat a piece of brownie, but when my hub said "no" then it always be a "no".  Finally I made this, a pudding. I prefer using soy milk, again for the reason of health.

It took no more than 15 minutes to make a pan of pudding.  And so easy :)

1 piece agar-agar paper (you may use agar-agar/gelatin powder)
80 grams granulated sugar
3 tablespoons sweet condensed milk
2 glasses water (1 glass soy milk plus 1 glass mineral water)
4 slices white bread
30 grams instant vla powder

1. In a saucepan, add all ingredients except bread.
2. Simmer your pudding and stir constantly 
3. after boiling, put the breads into the pudding
4. Pour into a pudding mold.  Let the pudding harden and cool (put in refrigerator)

I used this instant vla powder.  Just to make it easier and quicker.   It surprised me that this one's really good
How to make vla?  Pour the instant vla powder into a small bowl then add boiling water.  Stir it well/

This is it!  Yummy :))

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Now let's bake a very simple cookie.  So easy that you only need 5 ingredients and you'll get a really good, sweet and crunchy cookie. It's hard for me to stop, really.  I took one and then more and more :(.

500 grams peanuts, roasted
200 grams powdered sugar
25  grams chocolate powder
2 egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla extract  

  1. Stir together the sugar and chocolate in a medium bowl.  Add egg whites and vanilla extract, mix well.
  2. Add peanuts, stir the mixture until the peanuts all covered by chocolate batter.
  3. Using a spoon, place the batter in a square pan. 1 spoon each. Bake in the oven until cooked.
Only use low temperature, do not let the cookie burn.


I baked this cake since I had a basket of sweet purple potatoes stock.  Sweet purple potato barely has no flavor and you got to use it as 'extra ingredient' in your cake recipes. So far I've used some of my stock for donuts and kolak biki salak.

The addition of sweet purple potato makes the cake super moist and more beautiful color.

200 grams mashed sweet purple potato
4 eggs
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 cup all purpose flour
120 ml vegetable oil
rice chocolate for topping as needed (it's okay if you substitute rice chocolate with butter cream or any other toppings)

1. preheat oven
2. grease a loaf pan and dust with flour
3. In a large bowl, mix together the eggs and sugar until light and fluppy
2. Add mashed sweet purple potato, stir well.
3. Gradually add sifted flour, stir well.
4. Add vegetable oil, stir until the mixture is well blended.
5. Pour the batter into the pan, then bake for about 20 minutes or more (check by inserting a cake tester into the center of the cake, if it comes clean then it's done).
6. Remove the cake from the pan, allow it to cool.
7. Give it a topping with anything you wish.

Good luck and enjoy!